Tom Cox. The Good, the Bad and the Furry: Life with the World's Most Melancholy Cat and Other Whiske

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Tom Cox. The Good, the Bad and the Furry: Life with the World's Most Melancholy Cat and Other Whiskery Friends

Paperback, 272 pages

Published October 10th 2013 by Sphere

Original Title

The Good, the Bad and the Furry: Life with the World's Most Melancholy Cat and Other Whiskery Friends

ISBN [Удалено модератором] (ISBN13: 9780751552393)
Edition Language


Книга на английском языке. 120 х 200 mm. 272 стр.

Meet THE BEAR - a cat who carries the weight of the world on his furry shoulders, and whose wise, owl-like eyes seem to ask, Can you tell me why I am a cat, please?

Like many intellectuals, The Bear would prefer a life of quiet solitude with plenty of time to gaze forlornly into space and contemplate society's ills. Unfortunately he is destined to spend his days surrounded ...more

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