The Runaway. Martina Cole

4 day
Th Feb 27, 2025, 1:03 PM
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ID лота 1595473

The Runaway. Martina Cole

Format 736 pages, Paperback
Published January 1, 2010 by Headline
Книга на английском языке. 130 х 200 mm. 736 стр.
A gritty, unputdownable thriller from of corruption and violence from the No. 1 bestseller When Cathy Connor and Eamonn Docherty are thrown together as children in the sleazy streets of London's east End their fate is sealed. Cathy's miserable life as a prostitute's child leads to a terrifying ordeal that leaves her with no choice...Entering the world of Soho as a runaway, she is rescued and taught to survive in a criminal underworld by Desrae. Meanwhile, Eamonn, who fled to America with his father, has gained a reputation as one of the most ruthless villains in New York. It's only a matter of time before their paths cross and, when they do, Cathy's an equal match for Eamonn. She's beautiful, clever and tough. And nothing's going to make her run away again...
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