The Official Manchester United Annual 2002

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Su Mar 16, 2025, 1:02 PM
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220 грн
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ID лота 1012006

The Official Manchester United Annual 2002

  • Hardcover
  • Publisher: Charlton (2001)
  • ISBN-10:
  • ISBN-13: 978-
  • ASIN: B0042E7C3I
  • Package Dimensions: 27.8 x 22.2 x 1 cm
Книга на английском языке. 280 х 220 mm. 60 стр.

There is something for every Red fan in The Official Manchester United Annual 2002. Go on a guided tour - behind the scenes - at Old Trafford: see inside the changing rooms; look around the jam-packed trophy room; and even take a peek inside Sir Alex Ferguson's office. You can also find out all the latest news from Manchester United's Carrington Training Centre and on Manchester United's academy teams. Read the profiles of all the top players including David Beckham, Ryan Giggs and Andy Cole. Solve the many word and picture puzzles and quizzes, all based around Old Trafford and the team, and enjoy the stunning action moments captured on camera (by United's official photographer). Plus, Fred the Red returns for more of his hilarious adventures around Old Trafford. It's bigger and better than ever before - with fan pages, fun pages, Fred pages, puzzle pages - all this and more in an annual not to be missed.

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Способ доставки Стоимость Заказное письмо (Укрпочта)20 грн. Посылка (Укрпочта) 35 гр. Новая Почта (предоплата) 40 грн.
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