A Sense Of Belonging. Erica James.

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We Feb 19, 2025, 8:44 PM
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ID лота 943204

A Sense Of Belonging.

Erica James (Goodreads Author)


Published by Orion (first published June 1st 1998)

Original Title

A Sense of Belonging


(ISBN13: 9780752826073)

Edition Language


Книга на английском языке. 200 х 130 mm. 514 стр.

A terrific novel of love, life and friendship from the Sunday Times bestselling author.

In the heart of the Cheshire countryside, Cholmford Hall Mews, a converted eighteenth-century barn, is far more than an exclusive home to its new inhabitants.

For Jessica Lloyd, it is a haven where she can recover from a love affair long past its sell-by date; Amanda Fergusson, whose ...more

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