The Bjorklund legacy. B. Ladd Halliwell (2 тома)

Su Feb 23, 2025, 6:10 AM
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Blitz price:
250 грн
Number of lots: 1
ID лота 241664

The Bjorklund legacy. B. Ladd Halliwell (2 тома).

Published 1995 by The Pribiloff Press.
Книги новые, запечатаны в издательский целлофан.
Цена за комплект.
Аннотация к первому тому:
"Peace Corps director Charles Bjorklund longs to work his way on up to the presidency in order to prevent the disasters he foresees, but low self-esteem makes him despair. He is stunned to discover that his wife has written a letter urging Philanth, his bouncy temporary assistant, to sleep with him during their protracted travels around the world. In the process of trying to deal with this growing enigma he discovers a treasure h ..."
Аннотация ко второму тому:
"Hypatia Bjorklund became Farber's running mate in order to get a chance at the presidency and thereby carry forward the Bjorklund Legacy, her parents' global political agenda. Soon after their election, Hypatia discovers that her new "boss" is prepared to force her to become his mistress. The resulting crisis is resolved quite differently than it seemed to have been at the end of "Bjorklund's Daughter"; an outspoken black maid i ..."

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