That Summer - Andrew Greig -

Th Feb 20, 2025, 7:30 AM
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Blitz price:
150 грн
Number of lots: 1
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ID лота 1677951
  • Год 2001
  • Страниц 261
  • Формат 125 х 195

It is late June and the summer of 1940 is about to become the myth that will define a generation. When Len Westbourne, an inexperienced fighter pilot falls in love with Stella Gardam, a radar operator with a far more worldly attitude, they are all too aware that their time may be short as the War becomes an epic struggle between the Luftwaffe and the RAF - The Battle of Britain. Told in intimate, alternate chapters from the perspectives of Len and Stella, That Summer matures into a breathtaking a classic love story vividly evoking life during wartime.


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