Tales from the Secret Footballer. The Secret Footballer.

1 day
Fr Feb 21, 2025, 3:21 PM
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ID лота 1775735

Tales from the Secret Footballer. The Secret Footballer.

Format 256 pages, Paperback

Published November 7, 2013 by Guardian Faber Publishing
Книга на английском языке. 200 х 130 mm. 256 стр.

The Secret Footballer is back. And this time he's not alone.

In his bestselling book, the Secret Footballer shocked the world with his no-holds-barred account of life as a professional footballer. His identity was never revealed. Now, in his new book, he gathers together the best stories he has heard during his career as a professional footballer.

These are stories of players, teams and tactics, banter, fights and escapades, yachts, champagne and girls. They belong to a side of football that most players wish to keep private - some take place on the pitch, but most are a long way from the glare of the TV cameras. But they have one thing in common: they all happened.

The identities of the players are protected, but few will be able to resist trying to guess who told them.

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