Little Darlings. Jacqueline Wilson

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Little Darlings. Jacqueline Wilson

Format 309 pages, Paperback
Published March 7, 2011 by Corgi
Книга на английском языке. 130 х 200 mm. 309 стр.

Jacqueline Wilson's latest guaranteed bestseller shines the spotlight onto the crazy world of celebrity.

Sunset lives a life of luxury with her beautiful ex-model mum, her world-famous ex-rocker dad and two little celeb siblings. But life on the red carpet is no compensation for rowing parents, constant nagging, intensive media scrutiny and no real friends.

Destiny, on the other hand, is an only child living on a rundown estate with a sickly but devoted mum who constantly tells her that she's really the daughter of a famous former rock star.

When the two girls meet in unlikely circumstances, they are surprised to find in each other something they've been missing all their lives.

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