Lilian Harry. Kiss the Girls Goodbye.

3 day
Tu Jun 4, 2024, 11:09 PM
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40 грн
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Переплет : мягкий

Язык издания : иностранный

Состояние : б/у

Формат : печатные

Наличие : в наличии

Жанр : роман

Lilian Harry. Kiss the Girls Goodbye.

Книга на английском языке. 152 х 232mm. 346 стр.

December 31, 1939 was the first New Year’s Eve that anyone could remember that there hadn’t been crowds celebrating at midnight in Trafalgar Square. So begins 1940 for the waitresses at the Lyons Corner House at Marble Arch. Kiss the Girls Goodbye follows the lives of the five waitresses we met in Corner House Girls, observing their families, boyfriends, husbands, customers, and friends through the harrowing period of the Second World War. There are bombs and blackouts, curfews and rationing, romances and terrible losses, but through it all, come what may, the Corner House will be open for business. 


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