Leaving Berlin. Joseph Kanon (Goodreads Author)

Mo Feb 17, 2025, 12:58 PM
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Leaving Berlin. Joseph Kanon (Goodreads Author)

Paperback, 371 pages

Published September 3rd 2015 by Simon & Shuster (first published November 6th 2014)

Original Title

Leaving Berlin

ISBN13 9781471137068
Edition Language


Книга на английском языке. 130 х 198mm. 371 стр.
A sweeping spy thriller about a city caught between political idealism and the harsh realities of Soviet occupation.

Berlin, 1948. Almost four years after the war’s end, the city is still in ruins, a physical wasteland and a political symbol about to rupture. In the West, a defiant, blockaded city is barely surviving on airlifted supplies; in the East, the heady early days ...more

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