Kristina Rihanoff: Dancing Out of Darkness: Strictly My Story. Kristina Rihanoff

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Tu Mar 18, 2025, 7:08 AM
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Kristina Rihanoff: Dancing Out of Darkness: Strictly My Story. Kristina Rihanoff

Hardcover, 288 pages

Published March 1st 2016 by John Blake (first published October 1st 2015)

(ISBN13: 9781784187736)
Edition Language


Книга на английском языке. 160 х 240 mm. 288 стр.

Kristina was born in 1977 in Vladivostok, East Russia, a bleak naval town closed to foreigners under Soviet rule. Despite the limitations this imposed, Kristina's early years were spent in a creative home, in which her father's love of music saw her dancing from an early age. From the age of seven, Kristina was already winning competitions, and by 16 she was a renowned dan ...more

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