Kate Kray. Naughty Bastards: The True Stories of Twenty-One of the Hardest Men in Britain.

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Kate Kray. Naughty Bastards: The True Stories of Twenty-One of the Hardest Men in Britain.

Paperback, 278 pages

Published February 4th 2008 by John Blake

Original Title

Naughty Bastards: The True Stories of Twenty-One of the Hardest Men in Britain

ISBN184454513X (ISBN13: 9781844545131)
Edition Language


Книга на английском языке. 130 х 220 mm. 278 стр.

There is a deadly code of conduct that operates beyond the boundaries of the everyday. It's a world where anger, strength, and terrifying ferocity must be controlled with total precision and perfect timing. It is an art known to only a few. In this unique project, Kate Kray has met such men and talked to them on their own ground. They have opened up to her, told her their ...more

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