Karen Rose. Closer Than You Think.

5 day
Tu Mar 25, 2025, 11:06 PM
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Blitz price:
100 грн
Number of lots: 1
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ID лота 915768

Переплет : мягкий

Язык издания : иностранный

Состояние : б/у

Формат : печатные

Наличие : в наличии

Жанр : мистика, ужасы

Karen Rose. Closer Than You Think.

Книга на английском языке. 

Psychologist Faith Corcoran is desperate to escape the stalker who’s made her life a nightmare for the past year—desperate enough to run to the one place that has been her nightmare far longer. Both boon and bane, her recent inheritance of her grandmother’s old house in Cincinnati offers sanctuary in which she can start her life anew, but requires that she face the dark me ...more

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