Переплет : мягкий
Язык издания : иностранный
Состояние : б/у
Формат : печатные
Наличие : в наличии
Жанр : фантастика, фэнтези
The Spook's Sacrifice
Книга на английском языке. 125 х 177mm. 366 стр.
As the Spook's apprentice Tom's first duty is to protect the County
from the dark. But now Mam needs his help in her homeland of
Greece. One of the most dangerous of the old gods, the Ordeen, is
about to return there, bringing slaughter and devastation.
Meanwhile, the Devil himself is still loose and if he and the
Ordeen join forces, a new age of darkness will descend.
Mam has summoned a powerful group to her side but among them are
Tom's old enemy, the Pendle witches, including the assassin
Grimalkin, and the cunning clan leader Mab Moldheel. Can Tom go
against all the Spook has taught him and ally himself to the
witches? What is the secret that Mam is keeping from him? And what
sacrifices must be made in the battle against the
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