Jessica Davidson. Addled: Adventures of a Reluctant Mystic. (Goodreads Author)

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Jessica Davidson. Addled: Adventures of a Reluctant Mystic. (Goodreads Author)

Format 234 pages, Paperback
Published October 30, 2015 by JesDharma Books
ISBN 9781518664786 (ISBN10:1518664784)
Language English
Книга на английском языке. 150 х 230 mm. 234 стр.

Zoe Popper has visions at the most inconvenient moments, like when trying to meet guys in a bar. She thinks she’s going crazy. Her dad was the same, and it killed him. But when she meets a mysterious gentleman who offers to become her teacher, it forces her to confront her darkest fears. As she fights to hold her family together, Zoe realises she must risk her sanity for a glimpse of the truth. But will the prize be worth it? After all, what use is enlightenment if you can’t hold on to the people you love?

Sometimes you think you’re going crazy, but really… you’re going sane.

Addled: Adventures of a Reluctant Mystic is a novel about spiritual awakening that explores the line between mysticism and madness in a world where everything is relative and nothing is sacred. Using the philosophy of Zen Buddhism, it follows one woman’s quest to find inner peace and self-knowledge, and offers an alternative perspective on mental illness and how to turn a breakdown into a revelation.

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