Is It Just Me Or Is Everything Shit?: The Encyclopedia of Modern Life. Steve Lowe, Alan McArthur.

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Is It Just Me Or Is Everything Shit?: The Encyclopedia of Modern Life. Steve Lowe, Alan McArthur.

Hardcover, 277 pages

Published November 3rd 2005 by Little, Brown Book Group (first published 2005)

Original Title

Is It Just Me or Is Everything Shit?

ISBN [Удалено модератором] (ISBN13: 9780316729536)
Edition Language


Книга на английском языке. 130 х 200 mm. 277 стр.
Is It Just Me or Is Everything Shit?: The Encyclopedia of Modern Life is a book by Steve Lowe and Alan McArthur. It was published in Britain in 2005. The authors give satirical criticisms of people, places, institutions and phenomena seen in modern British life. Subjects include Live 8, 50 Cent, Chris Martin, Philip Green and The Daily Mail. The jacket copy describes the b ...more

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