I See You. Clare Mackintosh (Goodreads Author) Winner of the Richard and Judy Summer Book Club 2017
Paperback, 372 pages
Published April 26th 2017 by Sphere (first published February 21st 2017)
Original Title
I See You
(ISBN13: 9780751554144)
Edition Language
London, England
Книга на английском языке. 130 х 200 mm. 372 стр.
When Zoe Walker sees her photo in the classifieds section of a London newspaper, she is determined to find out why it's there. There's no explanation: just a grainy image, a website address and a phone number. She takes it home to her family, who are convinced it's just someone who looks like Zoe. But the next day the advert shows a photo of a different woman, and another ...more
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