How to Shit Around the World: .Jane Wilson-Howarth (Goodreads Author)

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How to Shit Around the World: .Jane Wilson-Howarth (Goodreads Author)

Paperback, 150 pages

Published January 6th 2006 by Travelers' Tales (first published May 4th 2000)

Original Title

How to Shit Around the World: The Art of Staying Clean and Healthy While Traveling (Travelers' Tales Guides)


1932361324 (ISBN13: 9781932361322)

Edition Language


Книга на английском языке. 130 х 200 mm. 150 стр.

There’s no way, and probably no good reason, to be subtle about it — diarrhea, parasites, and other gastrointestinal unpleasantries can be part of the price travelers pay for trying to see the world. Fortunately, this frank, witty guide lets world-explorers fight back against their invisible assailants. A noted traveler and writer, Dr. Wilson-Howarth explores such issues a ...more

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