His Illegal Self. Peter Carey. Твердый подарочный вариант.

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Fr Mar 28, 2025, 7:10 PM
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ID лота 1049633

His Illegal Self. Peter Carey. Твердый подарочный вариант.

Hardcover, 271 pages

Published March 1st 2008 by Faber & Faber (first published February 5th 2008)

Original Title

His Illegal Self

ISBN [Удалено модератором]

(ISBN13: 9780571231515)

Edition Language


Книга на английском языке. 160 х 240mm. 271 стр.
Written by the Booker Prize-winning author of 'Oscar and Lucinda' and 'True History of the Kelly Gang', 'His Illegal Self' is the emotional story of the love between a young woman and a little boy, and a wonderful journey of self-discovery.

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