Gray Mountain. John Grisham (Goodreads Author) Твердый подарочный вариант.
Hardcover, 384 pages
Published October 23rd 2014 by Hodder & Stoughton Ltd (first published October 21st 2014)
Original Title
Gray Mountain
(ISBN13: 9781444765618)
Книга на английском языке. 160 х 240mm. 384 стр.
One week ago, Samantha Kofer was a third-year associate at New York City's largest law firm. Now she is an unpaid intern in a legal aid clinic deep in small-town Appalachia. When Lehman Brothers collapsed, she lost her job, her security, her future. As she confronts real clients with real problems, she finds herself a world away from her past life of corporate fat cats and ...more
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