Dork Diaries: Once Upon a Dork. Rachel Renée Russell (Goodreads Author)

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Dork Diaries: Once Upon a Dork. Rachel Renée Russell (Goodreads Author)

Published July 30th 2015 by Simon & Schuster Childrens Books (first published September 25th 2014)
Original Title

Tales from a Not-So-Happily Ever After!


147114383X (ISBN13: 9781471143830)

Edition Language


Книга на английском языке. 200 х 130 mm. 300 стр.
The Queen of the Dorks is back in a brand new instalment of the internationally bestselling series, now with 13 million copies in print worldwide!
After a bump on the head, Nikki has a wild dream in which she, her BFF's Chloe and Zoey, her crush Brandon, and mean girl Mackenzie all end up playing the roles of some familiar classic fairy tale characters. Will Nikki's dream t ...more

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