Do You Still Throw Spears At Each Other?: 90 Years of Glorious Gaffes from the Duke. Rory Scarfe.

5 day
Tu Mar 25, 2025, 6:36 AM
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75 грн
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ID лота 914727

Переплет : твердый

Язык издания : иностранный

Состояние : б/у

Формат : печатные

Наличие : в наличии

Do You Still Throw Spears At Each Other?: 90 Years of Glorious Gaffes from the Duke. Rory Scarfe.

Книга на английском языке. 180 х 120 mm. 351 стр. 

Britain's very-own embarrassing (royal) granddad turned 90 this year and this shamefully funny and occasionally on-point collection of the Duke's greatest gaffes celebrates the best from a lifetime of quotes that made the nation groan with embarrassment.
With illustrations throughout, this is a laugh-out-loud funny tribute to the master of mis-speaking:
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