Carole Matthews. It's Now or Never. The Sunday Times Bestsellers

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Tu Mar 18, 2025, 6:08 PM
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Carole Matthews. It's Now or Never. The Sunday Times Bestsellers

Format 359 pages, Paperback
Published January 1, 2010 by Sphere
ISBN9780751551389(ISBN10: [Удалено модератором] )
Книга на английском языке. 130 х 200 mm. 359 стр.
Ever felt that it’s time to turn your life around?

When twins Annie and Lauren attend their older sister Chelseas’ fortieth birthday party at the Dorchester Hotel, they wonder why their lives are so different. Why is Chelsea’s devoted husband twirling her round the dance floor, while Annie’s husband has gone fishing and Lauren’s lover is at home with his wife and children?

There and then, they decide it’s time to turn things around. To go all out for what they want, to start living again.

When the chance comes for them both to make those changes, they find that it’s not as easy as they thought.

The question is: have they left it too late?
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