British Nannies & the Great War. Louise Heren (Goodreads Author) Твердый подарочный вариант.

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Mo Feb 24, 2025, 3:47 PM
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British Nannies & the Great War: How Norland's Regiment of Nannies Coped with Conflict & Childcare in the Great War. Louise Heren (Goodreads Author) Твердый подарочный вариант.

Hardcover, 216 pages

Published February 29th 2016 by Pen & Sword History

Edition Language


Книга на английском языке. 160 х 240mm. 216 стр.
In 1912, Norland childrens nurse Kate Fox was travelling by train heading to the British military station at Nowshera on the Afghan border to care for the premature baby born to the bases commanding officer. Two years later, Kate was escaping from Germany in the first days of the Great War, leaving behind her adored German royal charges and all her personal possessions. Du ...more

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