Банкноты Англии - *.pdf

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Mo May 13, 2024, 6:10 PM
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Blitz price:
20 грн
Number of lots: 1

Год: 2008
Формат: PDF
Кол-во страниц: 104

This is the 15th edition of the popular English/British banknote price guide.
It is in full colour for the first time. "Collectors' Banknotes" provides valuations for all Bank of England and Treasury banknotes.
It also includes information on banknote grading, and background information about some of the major issues.
All of the major types are illustrated clearly, as are a number of variety types, e.g. how to spot a Nazi forged white fiver.
All of the notes have individual unique reference numbers, and a chart is provided at the back to cross reference these numbers with two other popular banknote books.


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