City loan bonds in the Russian Empire became widespread at the beginning of the 20th century as a result of the growth in the general prosperity of cities. Among Ukrainian cities, loans from such cities as Poltava, Kyiv, Ekaterinoslav, Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev, Zhitomir, and several others are especially interesting. The loan of the city of Kyiv is known in several issues, in several denominations. A loan from the city of Poltava is rare, only in two denominations. Kharkov city loan bonds come across only one issue but in several denominations. Loans from the city of Ekaterinoslav come from several issues of different denominations. Odessa city loan bonds are also known for several issues and several denominations. It is interesting to read the purpose of the city loan; it is usually written at the very beginning on the back page of the bond.