Geyfman J. Local Stamps Russia, RSFSR, Ukraine, Belorussia, USSR 1917-1963 Vol. 1-2 *PDF

Сб 22 бер. 2025 12:32
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80 грн
Кількість лотів: 4
ID лота 1654871

Geyfman J. Local Stamps provisionals, including Forgeries Russia, RSFSR, Ukraine, Belorussia, USSR 1917-1963 Vol. 1-2

The year of publishing: 2022

Author: Joseph Geyfman

Publishing house: Joseph Geyfman

Language: russian, english

Format: PDF

Number of pages: 336+352

File size: 491+494 MB

Description: This is second, revised and supplemented edition of this catalog-monograph, which describes the local issues (provisionals) of Russia, the Soviet republics and the USSR (1917-1963). it contains 441 unique provisional localities (some of which have never been previously described), and shows how to distinguish genuine stamps from forgeries, providing many images of the latter. This catalog is intended for a wide range of philatelists interested in the stamps of the Greater Russia - USSR area.



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