Craft Beer & Brewing - 46 журналов - *.pdf

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Craft Beer & Brewing / Крафтовое пиво и пивоварение

Год издания: 2014-2022
Гл.редактор: Jamie Bogner
Язык: Английский
Формат: Pdf
Количество страниц: по 100-132

inside each issue of Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine you'll find:
- Practical advice from the best craft beer writers in the industry.
- Dozens of beer reviews with comprehensive tasting notes.
- Exclusive interviews and advice from world-class brewers.
- In-depth coverage of brewing trends that matter to you.
- Tips for getting the most out of your homebrew.
- Reviews on the latest and greatest brewing equipment and products.
- Proven beer recipes for every level and style of brewer.
- Comprehensive features on beer styles, ingredients, and techniques.
and much, much more. Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine is now published six times per year.


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