ID лота 1123877
АНГЛИЯ Медаль 1914 год Сообщение Короля Георга V. БОЛЬШАЯ РЕДКОСТЬ!!!!
Выдавалась солдатам идущим на фронт во Францию во время первой мировой войны. Содержит сообщение короля Георга V.
You are leaving home to fight for the safety and honour of my Empire.
Belgium, whose country we are pledged to defend, has been attacked, and France is about to be invaded by the same powerful foe.
I have implicit confidence in you, my soldiers. Duty is your watchword, and I know your duty will be nobly done.
I shall follow your every movement with deepest interest, and mark with eager satisfaction your daily progress; indeed your welfare will never be absent from my thoughts.
I pray God to bless you and guard you and bring you back victorious.
Aug. 19, 1914
Выдавалась солдатам идущим на фронт во Францию во время первой мировой войны. Содержит сообщение короля Георга V.
You are leaving home to fight for the safety and honour of my Empire.
Belgium, whose country we are pledged to defend, has been attacked, and France is about to be invaded by the same powerful foe.
I have implicit confidence in you, my soldiers. Duty is your watchword, and I know your duty will be nobly done.
I shall follow your every movement with deepest interest, and mark with eager satisfaction your daily progress; indeed your welfare will never be absent from my thoughts.
I pray God to bless you and guard you and bring you back victorious.
Aug. 19, 1914
Укрпочта (посылка) Стоимость: 55 грн
Новая Почта Стоимость: 65 грн
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