A.N. Wilson. The Vicar of Sorrows

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A.N. Wilson. The Vicar of Sorrows

Format 391 pages, Paperback
Published January 1, 1994 by Penguin Books

Книга на английском языке. 130 х 200 mm. 391 стр.
In this powerful novel that will confirm his reputation as one of Britain's brightest literary lights, A.N. Wilson recounts the downward spiral of Francis Kreer, a clergyman who has stopped believing in God and whose marriage has begun to come apart at the seams. When his mother dies, Francis is shocked to discover that she had a lover and that he must share his inheritance with this odious man. Then Francis falls in love--painfully, absolutely--with an irresistible but most unsuitable young woman. Wilson traces Francis's descent through various circles of the English establishment and counterculture, a tragi-comic journey that takes the hero to the outer edges of both absurdity and despair.
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