1878.37 История культурно-образовательной проблемы. des Kultur BildungsproblemesGeorgBurcfhardt 1922

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Палітурка : тверда

Рік видання : 1922

Мова видання : іноземна



 Georg Burckhardt.
Geschichte des Kultur und Bildungsproblemes nach den wichtigsten Dokumenten. Eine Einführung in die Kulturphilosophie. Burckhardt, Georg
Geschichte des Kultur- und Bildungsproblemes nach den wichtigsten Dokumenten. Eine Einführung in die Kulturphilosophie. (=Wissenschaft und Bildung 173).
Издатель: Quelle & Meyer Leipzig
Масса: 170 г 1922 г.
Язык: Немецкий
167 стр.,

История культурно-образовательной проблемы по важнейшим документам : введение в философию культуры.

Georg Burckhardt 1590 as "Professor DialeIecticus", oil painting by Anton Ramsler in the Tübingen Professorengalerie

Georg Burckhardt (born January 5, 1539 in Wettelsheim / Franconia ; † February 6, 1607 in Wildbad near Mörnsheim ) was a German philosopher and professor of logic and rhetoric at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen .

Georg Burckhardt was married twice. The two marriages resulted in a total of 23 children.

The first marriage was with Anna Krebel in 1560. Anna Krebel was born in Weißenburg and died in Tübingen in 1591. The poet Eduard Mörike is one of the descendants of this marriage .

In 1592 Georg Burckhardt married Sabine Magdalena nee Firck (* 1564 in Stuttgart-Gablenberg , † 1651 in Tübingen). One son from this marriage was Andreas Burckhardt (1594–1651), Chancellor of the Duchy of Württemberg . The youngest daughter Regina (1599–1669) is from a genealogical point of view a "Swabian spiritual mother": From her marriage to the doctor Carl Bardili eleven children were born, whose descendants are the Swabian poets Hölderlin , Uhland and Hauff , the philosophers Hegel and Schelling as well the pietistic revival preacher Ludwig Hofacker count.

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