Sharon Gosling. The Lighthouse Bookshop.

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Sharon Gosling. The Lighthouse Bookshop.

400 pages, Paperback


August 18, 2022 by Simon Schuster UK

ISBN9781471198694(ISBN10: 1471198693)

Книга на английском языке. 120 х 200 mm. 400 стр.

At the heart of a tiny community in a remote village just inland from the Aberdeenshire coast stands an unexpected lighthouse. Built two centuries ago by an eccentric landowner, it has become home to the only bookshop for miles around.

Rachel is an incomer to the village. She arrived five years ago and found a place she could call home. So when the owner of the Lighthouse Bookshop dies suddenly, she steps in to take care of the place, trying to help it survive the next stage of its life.

But when she discovers a secret in the lighthouse, long kept hidden, she realises there is more to the history of the place than she could ever imagine. Can she uncover the truth about the lighthouse’s first owner? And can she protect the secret history of the place?

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