Judy: A Dog in a Million: From Runaway Puppy to the World's Most Heroic Dog. Damien Lewis

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Judy: A Dog in a Million: From Runaway Puppy to the World's Most Heroic Dog. Damien Lewis




May 7, 2015 by Quercus (7 May 2015)


Книга на английском языке. 130 х 200 mm. 359 стр.
After being bombed and shipwrecked repeatedly while serving for several wild and war-torn years as a mascot of the World War II Royal Navy Yangtze river gunboats the Gnat and the Grasshopper, Judy ended up in Japanese prisoner of war camps in North Sumatra. Along with locals as slave labor, the American, Australian, and British POWs were forced to build a 1,200-mile single-track railroad through the most horrifying jungles and treacherous mountain passes. Like the one immortalized in the film The Bridge on the River Kwai, this was the other death-railroad building project where POWs slaved under subhuman conditions.

In the midst of this living hell was a beautiful and regal-looking liver and white English pointer named Judy. Whether she was scavenging food to help feed the starving inmates of a hellish Japanese POW camp or by her presence alone bringing inspiration and hope to men, she was cherished and adored by the Allied servicemen who fought to survive alongside her. From the author of The Dog Who Could Fly and the coauthor of Sergeant Rex and It's All About Treo comes one of the most heartwarming and inspiring tales you will ever hear.

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